- Ender was either with Mazer Rackham or locked in his room. Why wasn’t Ender allowed to roam freely?
- What do you believe is the reason that Mazer cannot be the commander for the fleet this time?
- What is the difference between the way that buggers think and the way that humans think? Why is this important to Mazer and Ender?
- What is Mazer’s purpose now that Ender is learning how to control a fleet of ships?
- How is Mazer treating Ender and why does he do this?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 14 (Part 2)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 14 (Part 1)
“The other children.”
“You were brought here to take care of Ender Wiggin.”
“Just curious. Remember, they were all my students at one time or another.”
- Who are the children that Graff and Chamrajnagar are talking about?
- Why is Ender so uncomfortable on Eros?
- What did the “old man” do to Ender that he was so unused to?
- Why did Ender’s “teacher” attack him? What lesson did this teach Ender?
- What do Ender and his teacher have in common- who have they both learned from?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 13 (Part 2)
- Why was it important that Ender come back to Earth, according to Graff?
- Why does Ender believe that Graff tells him the truth and shows some affection toward him? Do you agree with Ender?
- List three things that Graff explains to Ender about the Buggers and the war.
- What secret about the Second War has been kept from the population of Earth?
- When does Graff estimate that Ender will need to be ready for command?
- Why did the Buggers attack Earth? Did they realize what they were doing?
Ender's Game - Chapter 13 (Part 1)
- What has the IF learned about “Locke” and “Demosthenes”? What do they plan to do about them?
- How does Graff force Valentine to go with him?
- Why does Graff need Valentine? What is “wrong” with Ender?
- What scares Ender the most about fighting and about why he is so good at it?
- What does Ender truly want from Peter?
- How does Valentine betray Ender and how does she feel about this?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 12
- Why won’t the adults save Ender from Bonzo? Does Ender think the teachers will save him from real danger?
- How many boys come to beat Ender up in the shower? How does Ender control the situation so he only has to fight one?
- Who comes to save Ender? How does his intervention ensure Ender’s death?
- How is the fight with Bonzo similar to the earlier fight with Stilson?
- What happens to all of the soldiers in Dragon Army? What happens to Ender?
- How does the author remind us that these boys are still children?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 11
- What lessons does Ender learn from his battle with Rabbit Army?
- How does Ender inspire confidence and loyalty in the soldiers in his army?
- Why does Ender begin to watch the propaganda videos from the First and Second Invasions?
- Describe Dragon’s battle with Salamander. How does Ender insult Bonzo Madrid’s Spanish honor?
- What does Ender ask Bean to do? Why does he choose Bean for this task?
- What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 10
- What kind of leader was Ender? Why was he this kind of leader?
- What did Ender do to Bean, and why?
- What does the word Salaam mean?
- What is important about the end of this chapter? Was Ender’s reaction a mistake by the Battle School teachers, or was it the reaction they wanted?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 9 (Part 2)
- Why isn’t Ender able to join in the laughter and good times that his “friends” have?
- Would you describe Ender as depressed or suicidal? Explain your answer using evidence from the book.
- How does Graff impress upon Valentine how important Ender is to humanity?
- In what way does Graff play upon Valentine’s feelings for Ender and use them against her?
- Does Valentine’s letter have the intended effect? What is the outcome- Ender’s rejection of Valentine or his embracing of Peter? Why does this help him move on in the fantasy game?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 9 (Part 1)
“His brother is dangerous, his brother was rejected for this program because he’s one of the most ruthless and unreliable human beings we’ve laid hands on. Why is he so important to Ender? Why, after all this time?”
- Why is Peter still such an influence on Ender?
- Do you believe that Peter is really changing- skinning squirrels and committing small violent acts to soothe himself? Compare Peter’s acts with those of his sister. Read through pg. 133 before you answer this!
- What does Peter believe is happening in the world? Does Valentine believe him and how does he convince her?
- Why does what Peter proposes frighten Valentine? Is it for the reasons that we might suspect? Explain.
- What do you believe is Peter’s ultimate plan? Does he need Val for this?
- How are Peter and Valentine are gaining influence.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 8
“Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war.”
“Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am. What I’m doing to him will bring out his genius. If I had to go through it myself, it would crush me.”
- How are these statements linked?
- Describe Dink Meeker and explain why he why wanted Rose to get Ender.
- Compare and contrast Rose and Bonzo.
- How has the presence of Ender changed the game? Give three examples.
- How is it significant that Ender saw Peter’s face in the mirror?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 7 (Part 2)
“They never tell you any more truth than they have to.”
- What does Petra mean when she makes this statement to Ender?
- How does Ender plan on becoming a good soldier even if he can’t practice with Salamander Army?
- What is Bonzo’s reaction to Ender’s plan? What does this tell the reader about Bonzo?
- List three ways in which Bonzo proves to be a horrible commander.
- On page 95, Ender mentally lists the things he has learned. What are they?
- How does Ender turn Bonzo’s dislike of him into hate?
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ender's Game - Chapter 7 (Part 1)
“What matters is that he won the game that couldn’t be won.”
- What does Graff mean when he makes the above statement?
- Why did Ender get promoted just when he was finally making friends and fitting in with the other students? Think back to what Graff said about isolating him at the beginning of chapter 5.
- What do the wolves in the play area of the game that Ender is playing represent? Why did the game represent this landscape to Ender?
- Is the snake being literal (real) when it says that death is Ender’s only escape?
- What are three differences between the launch groups and the armies?
- What are Bonzo’s instructions to Ender and how do they show that he is not a good leader?
Ender's Game - Chapter 6
“That launch is sick, and he’s the source of the disease. He stays till it’s cured.”
- Anderson and Graff have different ideas on how to handle the problems in Ender’s launch group. Whose way do you fell is better and why?
- What makes Ender different from all of the other boys in the battleroom? Give two examples.
- What happened when Ender and Alai worked together in the battleroom? How did this change the rest of the group?
- What does the game that Ender is playing do? What hard choice does Ender make and how might this be important?
- Thought Question: What has Ender learned so far that has nothing to do with the military or war?