Friday, April 30, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 5

“His isolation can’t be broken. He can never come to believe that anybody will ever help him out, ever. If he once thinks there’s an easy way out, he’s wrecked.”
  1. Why does Graff believe the statement quoted above?
  2. What is Dap’s function at this point? What does he remind us?
  3. What is the “bugger” of a launchie group? Why can’t Ender be considered that?
  4. If Ender wants to be accepted, why did he beat the older boy in the game?
  5. How did Ender defeat Bernard? Was this method more or less effective than the way he beat Stilson

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 4

“With Ender, we have to strike a delicate balance. Isolate him enough that he remains creative- otherwise he’ll adopt the system here and we’ll lose him. At the same time, we need to make sure he keeps a strong ability to lead.”

  1. What is the balance that Graff insists is important with Ender? How does he start establishing this balance?

  2. Do you agree with Graff’s methods? Explain.

  3. How are Graff and Ender similar?

  4. At this point, who is Ender’s enemy?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 3

“Then I’ll tell the truth. We’re allowed to do that in emergencies. We can’t plan for everything you know.

  1. Explain what Graff means when he says the previous line. Is there some truth in his obvious sarcasm?

  2. Why does Graff question Ender about why he kept kicking Stilson after he was already down? This seems to be an important point to him.

  3. What does Ender mean when he says that he doesn’t like his own kind, “the smart against the stupid.”? Does this mean that he doesn’t like himself?

  4. How does Graff convince Ender that most of his family really doesn’t want him around? Is he right?

  5. Does Graff end up telling Ender the truth? Defend your reply.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 2

“I like the kid. I think we’re going to screw him up.”
“Of course we are. It’s our job.”

  1. What do you believe these “voices” are talking about? Are they impressed with the way Ender “handled” Stilson?

  2. Why does Peter hate Ender so much? Give three reasons.

  3. How would you characterize Peter and Valentine? Give three descriptive words for each.

  4. Does Ender believe that his parents are happy that his monitor was removed?

  5. How is Peter’s sudden change explained at the end of the chapter?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 1

“I have to win this now, and for all time, or I’ll fight
it every day and it will get worse and worse.”
  1. What does Ender say about lies and is he right?
  2. What is Ender’s main concern after his monitor is removed?
  3. Do you believe that Ender is bad for hurting Stilson the way that he did? Explain.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 27

Chapter 27 (p. 360-374)
This is the final chapter of Hunger Games. Peeta and Katniss have their final interviews before heading back to District 12 and confronting the reality of their relationship.

  1. What was the reason behind Cinna’s choice of dress for Katniss?

  2. Describe the reunion of Peeta and Katniss.

  3. Who will watch the highlights show?

  4. What power does the people selecting the highlights possess?

  5. What was omitted from the highlights?

  6. What is Katniss’ best “survival” moment of the night?

  7. Who is the instigator to be punished? Why?

  8. What has happened to Peeta’s leg?

  9. What is the significance of the berries moment?

  10. When will Peeta and Katniss see Cinna and Portia again?

  11. On the train, what is the significance of Katniss washing off the makeup and changing her hair and clothes?

  12. What do the pink and white flowers given by Peeta remind Katniss of?

  13. What does Peeta realize about Katniss’ actions during the Hunger Games? (p. 372-374).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 26

Chapter 26 (p. 346-356).
Peeta and Katniss are taken by hovercraft back to the Capitol and nursed back to health. The danger is not over for Peeta and Katniss.

  1. What does Katniss realize as she watches the doctors operate on Peeta?

  2. Why is everyone keeping their distance from Katniss?

  3. Where is Katniss taken when they enter the training center?

  4. Why is their a delay between the games and the presentation of the victor?

  5. Who is missing from the team reunion? Why?

  6. How does Katniss react to the prep team?

  7. What did the Gamemakers want to do to Katniss? What was the compromise?

  8. How has Cinna presented Katniss?

  9. What new dangers face Katniss in the Capitol?

  10. What is the significance of the following statement: “But the Hunger Games are their weapon and you are not supposed to be able to defeat it.” (p. 358).

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 25

Chapter 25 (p. 331-343)
The final tributes are chased to the top of the Cornucopia by a pack of wild wolf mutations signifying the dead tributes. The final confrontation with Cato takes place on the top of the Cornucopia as they fight of the wild dogs. Katniss sends Cato into the dogs with an arrow and ends his suffering by the dogs with an arrow to the head.

The dogs disappear. Another rule change rocks the game as the game continues with only Peeta and Katniss left. Who will win? Who will lose?

  1. What is chasing after the final three tributes?

  2. What about the dogs makes Katniss especially uneasy?

  3. What does Cato say to Katniss that gives her pause?

  4. How is Cato knocked off the Cornucopia?

  5. Why is Cato kept alive by the dogs? How does he die? How does Katniss feel about this

  6. Why do the games not end immediately after Cato’s death?

  7. What is Katniss’ plan? What happens next? Why do you suppose the games end this way?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 24

Chapter 24 (p.320-330)
Peeta is shocked to learn he had a hand in killing “Foxface.” After a night back in the cave and a meal, Peeta and Katniss learn the game has changed again and they are being forced to a final meeting with Cato at the lake. However, the Gamemakers seem to have yet another surprise waiting for the three remaining Tributes.
  1. How did “Foxface” die?
  2. What does Katniss think of Cato’s state of mind? How does she have a better understanding of him than she thought?
  3. How have the Gamemakers changed the game? Why?
  4. What is Cato wearing? Why is he running?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 (p. 303-319)
The rain stops and Peeta and Katniss go out in search of food, but not before a few jokes at the expense of Haymitch for the viewers. However, Katniss ponders Haymitch and wonders what her life maybe like if she wins the Games.

The two of them hunting together has an unforeseen consequence. Another Tribute has died, leaving only three remaining.

  1. Initially, why do Katniss and Peeta ration the food from the sponsors?

  2. What is Haymitch going through in the control room?

  3. How do they suppose Haymitch won the Games?

  4. What could be the roots of Haymitch’s drinking? What does this mean for Katniss?

  5. Which Tribute has died during the thunderstorm?

  6. What thoughts does Katniss have of the future?

  7. What unforeseen problems does the partnership of Katniss and Peeta present?

  8. Who died at the conclusion of the chapter? Whom does Katniss think killed the Tribute?

Hunger Games - Chapter 22

Chapter 22 (p. 290-302)
Peeta and Katniss recover from their wounds in the cave as a severe thunder storm rages, trapping them in the cave and preventing them from hunting. Katniss tells Peeta of the happening at the feast and Peeta describes Thresh’s hiding place. The two have a deep conversation about the origins of Peeta’s feelings for Katniss and she realizes that she has true feelings for him. She also realizes that their feelings will illicit generosity from their sponsors.

  1. What is the physical condition of Peeta and Katniss?

  2. Why have the Gamemakers sent the thunderstorm?

  3. What is Katniss’ opinion of Thresh?

  4. Why does Katniss say in a moment of weakness?

  5. Where is Thresh?

  6. What does Katniss realize about Peeta, both pragmatically and emotionally?

  7. What are the origins of Peeta’s crush on Katniss?

  8. What was the tangible benefit of their conversation in the cave?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 (p. 278-289)
Katniss makes her way to the Cornucopia, expecting a bloody fight. “Foxface” is the first to acquire her district’s backpack. Katniss goes second, but is taken down by Clove who taunts her and promises to provide a slow painful death for Katniss for the viewers; however, Thresh comes to her rescue and kills Clove before fleeing with both his and Distict 2’s bag. Cato rushes to help Clove, but it’s to late. Katniss races back to Peeta and injects him with the medicine contained in District 12’s small backpack. Katniss is bleeding profusely from her injury at the hands of Clove.

  1. What is Katniss’ prediction as she readies herself?

  2. How are the Gamemakers affecting the games?

  3. What does a feast in the Games mean for District 12?

  4. What are Katniss’ thoughts on Gale?

  5. What is on the table at the Cornucopia? Who is first to the table?

  6. Who saves Katniss from Clove? Why?

  7. What was in the District 12 backpack?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Q3 Independent Reading Project

  • Your Glog should include the following:

  • Your review of the book.
  • A key quote(s).
  • A picture of your book.
  • Media (sounds, Youtube, etc.)
  • Links to the book publisher or related links.