Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 3

“Then I’ll tell the truth. We’re allowed to do that in emergencies. We can’t plan for everything you know.

  1. Explain what Graff means when he says the previous line. Is there some truth in his obvious sarcasm?

  2. Why does Graff question Ender about why he kept kicking Stilson after he was already down? This seems to be an important point to him.

  3. What does Ender mean when he says that he doesn’t like his own kind, “the smart against the stupid.”? Does this mean that he doesn’t like himself?

  4. How does Graff convince Ender that most of his family really doesn’t want him around? Is he right?

  5. Does Graff end up telling Ender the truth? Defend your reply.


  1. 1. I think he means that the army can't be responsible or blamed for everything that goes wrong with the 3rd (or Ender or Andrew... whatever). And I guess that has some truth in it because I guess they really can't watch him as much as they could've before.

    2. It is because they are considering about taking Ender (Andy) from the parents. Then again, it's all up to Andy at the end of the day.

    3. I would compare this to the whole eejit concept in HOTS previously, when all of the eejits were literally brainwashed completely and had no control of what was happening to them. I think that is Ender's main issue with this. I dare to make the assumption that Ender doesn't like his kind because they are forced to be stupid and have no say (can you say Bush???) But no, I don't think he hates himself. I just think he is finally catching on and realizing that most 3RDS are usually brainwashed and wiped of feeling completely. That is, until the monitor comes out...

    4. He's putting all of the blame on certain religious segregations. And to be honest, this is a sticky topic, so I'm not going to go there. Not today...

    5. No he doesn't. And he even proved that early in the chapter that he will lie to have Ender (AndyMan!) on his side. Kinda sickening if you ask me...

    -Mr. BuNgLe will eat your children... HALF OFF! (Valid until April 29th, 2010. HURRY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!!)

  2. 1 Anything can happen in bad situations.

    2 Military Generals probably like the no mercy aspect. Ender also explained how he wanted to finish the fight once and for all.

    3 Ender feels different from others and there for its as if he is at war with anyone not a third or defending himself from them.

    4 It costs Ender's family tons to have him around, Graff made a very accurate point that it would probably be better for the family.

    5 Somewhat. Valentine was the only one who could'nt handle Ender leaving.
