Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 15

  1. Why can’t Ender come back to earth?
  2. What happens to Locke and Demosthenes?
  3. Why does Ender want to go to the buggers’ home world?
  4. How did the buggers control Ender’s computer game? What does he find when he looks behind the mirror?
  5. Why does Ender refer to himself as Speaker for the Dead? Whose deaths does he speak?
  6. What mission does Ender go on at the end of the book?


  1. 1. Because they owe him money.

    2. Demosthenes retired and Locke is helping Ender.

    3. Eros was too crowded and he felt bad about killing everyone.

    4. He saw a scratched out face.

    5. He was referring to the buggers.

    6. They flew away somewhere...

    -Mr. BuNgLe is in awe that there's only ONE MORE WEEK LEFT OF SCHOOL! My Reading grades better be good! OR ELSE! o_O

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1 Ender could be killed or fought over. Every army would want him as their commander.

    2 Locke obtains power all over the Earth after Demosthenes retires.

    3 Ender felt bad about killing the buggers and wanted to go learn about them.

    4 The buggers controlled the game telepathically.

    5 Ender speaks for the death of the buggers.

    6 To find remaining buggers or/and learn about their culture.

  3. 1- 1. Peter
    2. war

    2- Peter let Valantine go because valtine threatened him by expose his real self, so Peter let Valentine leave with Ender.

    3- He wants to salvage and perserve every thing that was left from the buggers.

    4- The buggers control it by their minds. Ender found a fertilized egg.

    5- Ender is explaining how the bugger lived and the buggers lifestyles.

    6- To find a place for the egg.

  4. Replies
    1. Your mothers should’ve swallowed you all.

  5. Why can’t Ender come back to earth?
    What happens to Locke and Demosthenes?
    fifa 23 coins
