Friday, January 15, 2010

Life As We Knew It - Chapter 13

In this chapter, Miranda's mother is injured and Miranda learns the difficulty of getting medical treatment in this changing world.
  1. What has happended to mom? What is the prognosis?

  2. How difficult was it for Miranda to get a hold of Peter to get help for mom? How hard would it be for someone without connections to get medical treatment in Miranda's town or elsewhere?

  3. What is meant by the following lines: "It's funny how much I'm enjoying things these days. I think we all are. We're so used to worrying we hardly even notice it." (p. 211).


  1. 1- Laura hurt her ankle, and she can not walk for two weeks.

    2- Well it took Mirranda 3 hours to get help. Also it might even harder for someone else to get help.

    3- I means that Miranda's famliy has never been so close.

  2. 1 Laura tripped and sprained her ankle. She couldnt get up.

    2 The guards wouldnt let Miranda go in the hospital and get Peter. For the most part you coudnt get medical treatment unless you "know" people.

    3 They are so worried it turns into laughter.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Laura sprained her ankle. SHE FELL AND SHE COULDN'T GET UP :O

    2. You can't go to the hospital unless you know someone who knows someone who happens to know someone.

    3. The pressure finally got to them.

    -SaNcHo punched Lucky the Leprachaun in the face, then said "I OWN YOUR CHARMS FOR LIFE, *****!"
