Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life As We Knew It - Chapter 15

Miranda's world gets "smaller" in this chapter. The family's well dries up due to lack of rain and due to little need for the kitchen with no water, the entire family is now only using the sun room of the house. Also, Miranda's mother is hurt again causing Miranda to make all the visits to Mrs. Nesbitt's house where her death is foreshadowed.
  1. What has Matt done to the sun room windows? Why?

  2. Where did Matt get the plywood? How does Miranda feel about this?

  3. Describe Miranda's conversation with Mrs. Nesbitt. What is your reaction to this exchange? (p. 231-234).

  4. What does Miranda mean by "But my world keeps getting smaller and smaller." (p. 236).

  5. Why is Miranda so vehemently opposed to moving her mattress from the kitchen to the sun room with everybody else.


  1. 1. He blocked the windows off.

    2. He got wood from trees. And Miranda feels as if he's obsessing with chopping wood, since her Mommy Dearest moved back into the sunroom.

    3. For the most part, the conversation was pretty positive. Yet, it was also somewhat depressing :(

    4. I think that it means that she is stuck in one place, to her dislike.

    5. Because she wants to have her privacy like everyone else.

    -SaNcHo punched the ShamWow guy in the face! SHAMWOW THIS! PAAAHAAAHAAA!!!! >:)

  2. 1 Matt blocked them off to save the woodstove's warmth.

    2 Matt is chopping trees down, and that doesn't help the environment.

    3 Miranda does not want Mrs.Nesbitt to think she will die.

    4 Miranda can not do anything in life anymore but sit around stranded like in a prison.

    5 Miranda wants to keep her privacy.

  3. 1- Matt blocked of the windows I think Matt did because he wants to keep the warmth of the wood burning fireplace in side the sunroom.

    2- Matt got the plywood from the gang that Miranda sow breaking into buildings with guns to rob. I think Miranda is cocerned about this because if Matt keeps doing this in the long run he could get into trouble with the gang and it's members.

  4. 3- Well at first in the conversation Mrs. Nesbit was pretty possitive but at end it got negative because she said when she dies she wants to give Miranda's mom her diamond pendent and give Miranda her ruby.

    4- I think that Miranda is saying that the world is getting smaller and smaller because for one the mirranda's population of friends is declining and two Miranda is more limited to what she can do in the world and third she is limted about what she can eat.

    5- That is because Miranda want to be left alone.
