Friday, January 22, 2010

Life As We Knew It - Chapter 20

Life goes on in Miranda's household. Matt makes limited progress, but Jonny is feeling better. The food situation grows dire.
  1. While infrequent, the return of what utility gives the family hope?

  2. Why is Mom ok with wasting the batteries on using the radio each night?

  3. What news is reported on the radio? Though the news is bad, what does Miranda feel about it? (p. 321).

  4. What is the state of the family's pantry? (p. 325).

  5. Describe the health of Miranda and the family at the end of Chapter 20.


  1. 1 One of the most important utilities, electricity, came back.

    2 She wants to outlive them and use them up.

    3 Just negatives about the world coming to an end, Miranda still feels more confident because more people in the world are in the same situation.

    4 There is about only 2 more weeks worth of food, which will make things more challenging.

    5 They are all recovering quickly except Matt who could be scarred for life.

  2. 1. Electricity came back. Yippy-ky-yo!

    2. She wants to feel a sense of comfort. Like she can outlive something.

    3. About how the world is eventually going to end. But this time, Miranda does not feel alone. HEE-HEE!

    4. The food supply is getting less and less. IT IS NOT GOOD!

    5. Well, I have a feeling that if the world doesn't cave in on itself, they will turn out fine.

    -SaNcHo shines like a box of LEON NEON! (80's references, dawg. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, MR. HERMIT!!!)
