Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life as We Knew It Final Project

For our final project for Life As We Knew It, please choose one of the following ideas:

  1. Write another chapter to Life As We Knew It from Miranda's point of view, following the same journal writing format. OR Choose to write from Mom, Matt or Jonny's point of view.
  2. Write an epilogue to Life As We Knew It, from Dad's point of view, in the chapters since he left the family.
  3. Miranda gave Matt some colored pencils and paper to begin drawing again. Draw some pictures Matt might have drawn to illustrate events the family may have experienced.
  4. Write a FULL (physical, emotional, relational) description of three of the characters in the book. Draw a portrait to accompany each description
  5. Prepare a front page of a newspaper or cover of a magazine describing weather related current events that may have occurred in the story.
  6. Prepare a radio or television news broadcast that may have been transmitted during this story.
  7. Retell part of the story from another character's point of view.
  8. Rewrite the story for younger children in picture book form.
  9. Write a movie proposal: What actors/actresses would have rolls as what characters? Create a flow map plot sequence. What changes would you make changing the story from book to movie form? Why? What songs might be in the sound track? Design a movie poster.
  10. Choose another idea: http://www.teachnet.com/lesson/langarts/reading/bookrepts1.html

This project is due by Friday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Independent Reading Project

Over Spring Break, your task is to independently read the book you checked out from the library on Thursday and complete the following assignment:

Create Three Blog Posts About Your Book:

  1. Write a 2-4 paragraph book review in which you give a brief summary of the plot, identify the main idea/theme of the book, identify what you liked/didn't like about the book, and make a recommendation for who may enjoy this book.
  2. Write a short journal piece (Example: Miranda's journal in LAWKI) from the point of view of the main character during an important part of the book. The journal piece should be a minimum of two paragraphs.
  3. Find a music video on You Tube that you feel illustrates the main idea/theme of the book. If you do not know how to embed the video, just paste in the URL (web address) for the video. Write at least one paragraph explaining why this song/video makes a good soundtrack for the book.

Remember: Proof read for spelling, punctuation, complete sentences. You may include pictures with your post if you so desire.

This assignment will be due the Monday we return from Spring Break. You may email Mr. Hermance over break at jhermance@normanhoward.org if you have questions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LAWNI - Chapter 21

Life As We Knew It reaches its conclusion in Chapter 21.
  1. Describe Miranda's decision to go to the post office. What is her expectations of this trip for her and her family?

  2. Does Miranda seem at peace with the idea of dying? Why?

  3. What did Miranda initially see upon arriving in town?

  4. What was on the yellow sheet of paper posted at the post office?

  5. What does Miranda realize in terms of why she has been keeping a journal? (p. 337).

  6. How does the future look for Miranda and her family on her 17th birthday? Why?

LAWNI - Chapters 20

Life goes on in Miranda's household. Matt makes limited progress, but Jonny is feeling better. The food situation grows dire.
  1. While infrequent, the return of what utility gives the family hope?

  2. Why is Mom ok with wasting the batteries on using the radio each night?

  3. What news is reported on the radio? Though the news is bad, what does Miranda feel about it? (p. 321).

  4. What is the state of the family's pantry? (p. 325).

  5. Describe the health of Miranda and the family at the end of Chapter 20.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

LAWNI - Chapter 19

In this chapter, Miranda nurses her family through the flu, learns terrible news about Peter and the damage caused by influenza and adverts a fire caused by the wood stove. Matt is left weakened by his illness.

  1. What is the condition of the family at the beginning of Chapter 19?

  2. What has happened to Peter? Most of the hospital staff?

  3. Why does Miranda continue to write in her journal despite all the adversity she and the family are experiencing? (p. 299).

  4. What incident happens at the house to make Miranda believe her family will survive no matter what? (p. 305)

  5. On p. 311, mom stops herself mid-conversation to call Miranda a "very special woman." Why is this significant?

  6. Describe Matt's condition at the end of the chapter? Why is he this way? What does Miranda feel this means for the family?

LAWNI - Questions for the Author #4

LAWNI - Chapter 18

In this Chapter, Miranda and the family experience their first Holiday Season post-Asteroid Impact and come to realize how lucky they all are. They exchange meaningful gifts and make practical New Years Resolutions. The Mortensens, neighbors down the road, are introduced and the idea of illness spreading is foreshadowed.
  1. Why does Miranda call the family’s first Christmas after the catastrophe "Absolutely the best Christmas ever"? (p. 280)

  2. On New Year’s Eve, Miranda wonders if people ever realize how precious life is. (p. 287) What events have happened in Miranda’s life to remind her that life is precious?

  3. Why is Matt so adamant about the family learning how to cross country ski?

  4. Why did Mr. Mortensen show up at the family's door?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LAWNI - Chapter 17

A blizzard strikes Miranda's town, dumping about four feet of snow in a short period of time. With gasoline in limited supply, its unlikely the roads are going to be plowed anytime soon.
  1. As the blizzard begins, where is Matt? Why doesn't mom allow Miranda or Jon to head towards town to look for Matt?

  2. Why is Jonny the only family member allowed to eat two meals per day? When Jonny discovers he is the only one who eats two meals, how does he feel about this?

  3. The snow provides one benefit to the family -- What is it?

  4. On p. 276, Miranda states "Right now I'm reading about the American Revolution. The soldiers had a tough time of it at Valley Forge. My heart bleeds for them." What is Miranda implying in this journal entry?

LAWNI - Chapter 16

Mrs. Nesbitt has died and Miranda's family has taken all they could from the house before other neighbors could loot the house. Life continues for the family with the additional supplies and Matt, Jonny and Miranda attempt to complete some schoolwork.
  1. After Mrs. Nesbitt dies, Miranda goes through her kitchen cabinets and says doing so makes her “feel like a cannibal?” (p. 240) Why does she feel this way?

  2. What utility does Mrs. Nesbitt still have that the family does not?

  3. On p. 247, Miranda said "And we toasted the best friend we'll ever have." Whom is she talking about and why?

  4. How has home schooling been going for Matt, Miranda and Jonny?

  5. Why doesn't Miranda want to study French?

  6. What has happened to Mrs. Nesbitt's house in the days since her death?

Monday, April 6, 2009

LAWNI - Chapter 15

Miranda's world gets "smaller" in this chapter. The family's well dries up due to lack of rain and due to little need for the kitchen with no water, the entire family is now only using the sun room of the house. Also, Miranda's mother is hurt again causing Miranda to make all the visits to Mrs. Nesbitt's house where her death is foreshadowed.
  1. What has Matt done to the sun room windows? Why?

  2. Where did Matt get the plywood? How does Miranda feel about this?

  3. Describe Miranda's conversation with Mrs. Nesbitt. What is your reaction to this exchange? (p. 231-234).

  4. What does Miranda mean by "But my world keeps getting smaller and smaller." (p. 236).

  5. Why is Miranda so vehemently opposed to moving her mattress from the kitchen to the sun room with everybody else.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

LAWNI - Chapter 14

This was a short, but pretty meaty chapter. Volcanic ash has turned cool fall weather into sub-zero conditions. Miranda's family has moved downstairs and are trying to conserve what food they have. Most notable in this chapter is we learn that Megan and her mother have both died and Megan learns what a hypocrite Megan's pastor is.

  1. What utility has been shut off? How has it effected Miranda's family?

  2. What volunteer job has Matt taken in town? How does Miranda's mother feel about this?

  3. What has happened to Megan? How do you think Megan died?

  4. How did Megan's mother, Mrs. Wayne, die? How did Reverend Marshall treat her body in comparison to Megan?

  5. Why does Miranda call Reverend Marshall "despicable?" (p. 222) Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
  6. Who was Miranda skating with?

  7. Having a space to call your own is important. How has losing her room for the winter effected Miranda? How would it effect you if you were in Miranda's shoes?

LAWNI - Questions for the Author #3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

LAWNI - Chapter 13

In this chapter, Miranda's mother is injured and Miranda learns the difficulty of getting medical treatment in this changing world.

  1. What has happended to mom? What is the prognosis?
  2. How difficult was it for Miranda to get a hold of Peter to get help for mom? How hard would it be for someone without connections to get medical treatment in Miranda's town or elsewhere?
  3. What is meant by the following lines: "It's funny how much I'm enjoying things these days. I think we all are. We're so used to worrying we hardly even notice it." (p. 211).