Thursday, October 29, 2009

House of the Scorpion - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 – Blood Wedding

Everyone gathers for the wedding. We learn that El Patron has arranged Emilia and Steven’s wedding for his own purposes, as he did in arranging the marriage of Benito to a Nigerian princess. Matt realizes that he will never be allowed to marry.

Maria now thinks Matt has a soul. Maria tells Matt that El Patron has arranged for her to marry Tom, obviously upsetting Matt. She feels she can change Tom. Matt shows Maria the book containing the picture of her mother. El Patron has another heart attack at the wedding. Tam Lin rushes him to the doctor. Stephen and Emilia are left forgotten at the altar.

  1. Who is getting married?

  2. Why did Ell Patron want this?

  3. Who did Benito Alcaran marry? Why?

  4. Why wasn’t Matt going to the Oasis?

  5. What was Matt’s attitude toward Stephen and Emilia? Why?

  6. Where did Matt and Maria meet?

  7. What does Maria think about Matt’s soul?

  8. Who is Maria engaged too? Who decided this?

  9. What did Matt show Maria?

  10. How was Maria different from the others at the wedding?

  11. What happened at the end of the wedding?


  1. 1 Emilia and Steven
    2 To gain more family power
    3 Benito married Fani so El Patron could get Nigerian money
    4 The Oasis didnt make him feel good
    5 He thought they were different in a good way
    6 In the Music room
    7 That he has one but its small and cant grow bigger
    8 Tom. El Patron decided it
    9 Her mother's picture and proof she still lives
    10 She wasnt an eejit like the other girls
    11 Steven and Emilia were left alone because El Patron got sick

  2. 1- steven and emelia

    2- to have more power

    3- that's because el patron wanted him to

    4- that was because he was not feeling good

    5- neutral because he did not really care

    6- they met at the secret passage

    7- that he has one but he has a little one

    8- maria and tom were supposed to get married because el patron wanted him to

    9- matt showed the picture to maria

    10- she was not there the whole time

    11- el patron got hurt

  3. 1. Emily and Stevie Wonder.

    2. More power.

    3. Fani, for more money in Nigeria.

    4. He didn't feel gooooooooooooooood.

    5. He didnt care.

    6. The secret passage.

    7. She thinks he has one, but it's microscopic.

    8. Thomas the Tank Engine, Patrony decided it.

    9. Her mommy's pic.

    10. She was in and out of the partizay.

    11. El' Patron got sick.
