Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ender's Game - Chapter 8

“Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war.”
“Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am. What I’m doing to him will bring out his genius. If I had to go through it myself, it would crush me.”

  1. How are these statements linked?
  2. Describe Dink Meeker and explain why he why wanted Rose to get Ender.
  3. Compare and contrast Rose and Bonzo.
  4. How has the presence of Ender changed the game? Give three examples.
  5. How is it significant that Ender saw Peter’s face in the mirror?


  1. 1. All of them have to do with Graff and his tactics, using Ender.

    2. *why he why???* Dink is a fighter like Ender, yet much more experienced and liked. And he wanted Ender because he thinks that Ender has a good future and fighting skills, and Dinky knows that.

    3. Rose is a butthole, like Bonzo. But Rose is Jewish, unlike Bonzo.

    -Mr. BuNgLe has 3 bottles of Blue Moon Mist! WHUT!

  2. 4. He made things more complicated, more strategic and more intelligent.

    5. He doesn't want to destroy children for no reason, like Peter. However, he still does fight gruesomely like Peter does.

    -Mr. BuNgLe is violent! MORE VIOLENT THAN MR. ENDER!

  3. 1 Graff is explaining to Anderson that Ender is a genius.

    2 Dink is like a leader and he knew Ender had a strong heart and is super smart.

    3 Rose is easy going he does not do much and Bonzo is much stricter.

    4 People like Bonzo want to be better than Ender, so it is causing chaos and rivalries.

    5 It suggests Ender is growing more similair to Peter.
