Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 (p. 185-194)
Rue points out a wasp nest containing deadly “tracker jackers.” Using the anthem as cover, Katniss saws the branch, completing the cut in the morning as the Career Tributes sleep, sending them fleeing, killing two. She gives Rue the heads up before doing so. Katniss is stung three times and black outs as a result of the venom, but not before having her life saved by Peeta.

  1. What is different about the wasps found at the Hunger Games?

  2. What was the first gift from Katniss’ sponsors by way of Haymitch?

  3. How does Katniss disperse the Career Tributes? What was the result? What item does she acquire?

  4. What is happening to Katniss? What does she realize before she blacks out?


  1. 1 The wasps are mutated and submit lots of venom in their sting, and leave bumps like a mosquito bite.

    2 A medicine for Katniss' burns.

    3 Katniss saws at a branch with a wasps nest and the nest falls on the sleeping careers, she acquires the bow for killing Glimmer.

    4 Katniss is hallucinating and she realizes Peeta saved her life once again.

  2. 1- They a killer wasps that make stings the size of plums.

    2- The first gift was medicine and a parachute.

    3- By cutting down the tree with the wasps.

    4- She was saved by Peeta, She realizes that Peeta saved her life.

    hi mr. hermnace

  3. 1. They are deformed wasps, that pack twice the amount of a normal wasp, and leaves a huge mark.

    2. Some meds...

    3. She has wasps going after a kid, and she was given a bow as a present for her... troubles.

    4. Like when Pee gave her bread and saved her from dying of hunger, he saves her once more...

