Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hunger Games - Chapter 20

Chapter 20 (p. 262-278)
Peeta’s leg is badly infected and he has a fever. Katniss continues to nurse the wounds the best she can and get him to drink and eat. At his prompting, she tells the story of how she got Prim her goat, changing the story slightly to protect the people of District 12 as the story is being broadcasted to the whole nation.

Claudius Templesmith announces a feast with an added incentive to lure the Tributes to it. Peeta urges Katniss not to go, but a gift from the sponsors allows Katniss to knock out Peeta and presumably make her way to the feast.

  1. What is the status of Peeta’s leg wound?

  2. Why does Katniss change the story of how she acquired Prim’s goat?

  3. How can a goat change your life in District 12?

  4. What was Claudius Templesmith’s message? What is there in addition to the feast to facilitate the Tributes’ attendance?

  5. What is in the newest parachute? What is Peeta’s reaction when he realizes what it is?


  1. 1. It is slowly and painfully healing.

    2. She milked goats??? And she tells Pee that she got the money through selling lockets.

    3. I don't know. But Primmy was happy that she saved a mutated goat.

    4. She gave them a number, representing they're district. And she invited them to the feast.

    5. ...

    -Mr. BuNgLe is a Mostasteless Freek Show with a Green Book! Though some call his mere presence Man's Myth, he is, nonetheless a Mutant! But he wouldn't have it anyway else, cuz in his eyes, it's all still W.I.C.K.E.D.!

  2. 3. Oh yea, because you can eat a lot of things, processed from a goat. So, in a way, it's like a luxury.

    5. Medicine and some berries... NOW SHE CAN SAVE HIS BUTTACKS FROM DEATH! YAAY!!!


  3. 1 Peeta's wound is slowly healing.

    2 Katniss did not want to talk about Gale, while with Peeta.

    3 Milk was scarce in District 12, having a goat would be luxurious.

    4 That there will be a feast and gifts at the cornucopia for each District.

    5 Peeta can be healed with the medicine.

    1. these answers are wrong, you probably haven't read the book

    2. Your not so AWESOME since can't even give out the correct answers.

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  5. He's not talking about the gift from the feast, because that's not a parachute he's talking about the broth

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